Transform Your Mind

How to be Rich and Wealthy: the 90/10 Rule



Change your mind, change your life podcast - How to be Rich Rich and Wealthy: the 90/10 Rule In today's episode I want to coach on money, specifically The 90/10 rule. If you are having the goal of increasing your earning power in 2018, then you need to understand the basics of money - Economics The reason that 10% of the population earn 90% of the wealth in this country, is because the rich understand the fundamentals. They understand the fundamentals of money. So, let's review Money or currency, is anything used as a means of exchange.Hence the rise of bitcoin and trading also called bartering. Money circulates in the economy through the Federal Government. The Federal government’s main customer is the U.S Treasury.The Federal government collects tax payments and deposits into the US treasury. The US treasury then pays the government’s bills e.g social security checks, interest payments on treasury bills and bonds and oversees the operations of the nation’s commercial banks. But the main job of the Federal