Transform Your Mind

The Alchemy of Desire Episode 3- The Power of Attention



The Alchemy of Desire is the magical process of the transformation of your desires to reality. This transformation happens faster if we empower it with Attention. In this episode we are going to teach you how to use the, Power of Attention, to manifest all your dreams and desires. What is Desire – Desire can be called the feminine face of God! I love this sentence! Desire is what God places in your spirit to lead you to your purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.We Desire for our partners physically and spiritually, we desire our careers, we desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy but most of all we desire to fulfill our purpose on this earth and leave it a better place then we found it. In our first blog on this topic, we talked about how to manifest the Desires of your Heart. The first step is knowing what you want. The second step is adding emotions to it. In our second blog post on the Alc