Transform Your Mind

9 Steps to Effective Advocacy



Can Advocacy build successful bridges? It sure can. My guest today shares 9 Steps to Effective Advocacy. Latisha Atkins is the founder of Building Bridges to Success, Inc. Show notes: Tell me about yourself. How did you create your company Building Bridges to Success and become an Advocate? 1.What is Advocacy?: What it is and why it is important? 2.What are some of the ways people can get involved locally and nationally with Advocacy. 3.What are some pointers you can give our audience on how to advocate. 4.How do people and communities move from problem-solving in their personal lives to advocacy?5.What are some barriers to getting involved with advocacy?6.How does BRIDGES advocate for your community?7.What are some examples of advocacy?8.Is there a difference between advocacy and lobbying? 9.How can BRIDGES help others become advocates for their communities?10.Does advocacy lead to real change?11.Can anyone be an advocate?Check out more on Adcocacy and How it can build bridges to success @ Bridges2you