Transform Your Mind

The Path to, self-mastery, From Here to There



How does professional sports equip us for, self-mastery,? Pro golfer Thane Marcus Ringler turned coach and Author shares How.In the guest chair today is Thane Marcus Ringler, a former pro golfer turned writer, speaker, collaborator, and entrepreneur and author of the new book “From Here to There – A Quarter-Life Perspective on the Path to, Mastery,” After competing for nearly four years as a professional golfer, he transitioned out of the world of golf into his new endeavors as coach.Can you share your journey to becoming a professional golfer and how it marries to your life today as a coach, collaborator and podcaster. There must be a story in there why you actually give up golf, love to hear it.My journey like everyone's life and path is a journey. Journeys take lots of time andusually involve lots of failure and mine is no doubt the same. I started playing golf when I was really young. My dad got me into it and I really enjoyed playing. I was a competitive kid so anything with competition in sports