Transform Your Mind

What is the #1 Thing Women can do to, Improve Their Relationships,?



In this solo coaching episode I coach on what women can do to, improve their relationships.We have all heard that men want respect and women are emotional creatures, needing love and affection. That is true; but their is the character flaw common to all men and women? As my pastor would say All means inclusive of everyone exclusive of none. So how do women, improve their relationships,?The answer is this.By not pointing out wrong doing or blaming their partners. Because No one ever does anything they feel is wrong.The verb in the sentence is the important word. Feel.Put another way, whatever we Perceive is our reality.99.9 percent of men and women can justify to themselves or anyone who would listen, any action or none action, they have taken.Let me paint a picture with this story.On May 7 1931 New York City witnessed the most sensational manhunt the city had ever known to this point. After weeks on the loose "Two-Gun" Crowley, the killer, was trapped in an apartment on West End avenue.One hundred and fifty