15 Minutes: A Podcast About Fame, With Jamie Berger

Episode 29 - Tom Pappalardo



Tom Pappalardo is a writer, comicsmaker, graphic designer, musician, and, well, a lot of other great stuff you can learn about at http://tompappalardo.com/The Hampshire Gazette calls him "a pretty well-known name in these parts." We talked about the usual famey stuff, and coffee, and he read from his new and much heralded book, "One More Cup of Coffee." I asked Tom his thoughts about that particular beverage and YOU WON’T BELIEVE HIS RESPONSE!! Wait, that’s clickbait without a link to click. I wish I had asked Tom more about his absolutely amazing rock-show and other posters and the bands and other entities he made them for, but I forgot - next time! But see them here!https://standard-design.squarespace.com/print/Last, buy many great items Pappalardo here:http://tompappalardo.com/buy/***Also, in the episode, as much as I cringe at doing, I make a plea for you yes YOU to help us survive, grow, thrive using your ability to click stuff and/or money! by going to http://patreon.com/15minutesjamiebergerOr here:htt