15 Minutes: A Podcast About Fame, With Jamie Berger

Episode 34 - George Saunders Coda & Voices from our First Year



Hello All!Today, May 14, is our one-year anniversary! Thanks for listening, donating, offering those ratings and reviews on iTunes, following us on the social mediae! (@15minutesjamieb on insta and twitter) . . . . Thanks!This episode is a two-parter.Part One - A George Saunders Coda Back in February, a few weeks after recording Episode 27 with George Saunders, in  I drove to Cambridge to see him read from his then brand-new novel, Lincoln in the Bardo, amid a month-long span in which he and the book were receiving the kind of attention and praise I don't remember ever seeing from a literary author: the novel debuted at #1 on the Times Bestseller list, he appeared on Colbert and Charlie Rose and other late-night shows, got rave reviews everywhere, was publishing terrific short pieces seemingly every other day, and seemed to be being anointed the White Male conscience of an unimaginably conscience-free Trump Presidency. As I drove, I listened to the end of the audiobook of the novel, and thought of a few quest