15 Minutes: A Podcast About Fame, With Jamie Berger

Episode 46 - Scott McCloud



Scott McCloud is a comics-maker and philosopher and theoretician - he’s perhaps best known for Zot! (1984-90), Understanding Comics (1993), and most recently, his first graphic novel, The Sculptor (2015). When I contacted him recently after reading The Sculptor and finding it chock-full of stuff to talk about on here, Scott was, surprisingly, the first guest to bring up obscurity as perhaps an equally familiar and fascinating topic as fame. We talked about everything from “legacy” and the Mathematics/Physics of acclaim to the Vulcan Empire, with stops at Scott Adams and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles along the way. I really had a great time talking to him, and found it interesting to edit and listen to the second and third and … times around, so I hope you’ll enjoy it too. We spoke on the phone on Labor Day.***Scott McCloud can be found at http://scottmccloud.com***All episodes of this here can be found on iTunes and pretty much everywhere pods are cast, and at http://15minutesjamieberger.com See acast.com/priv