15 Minutes: A Podcast About Fame, With Jamie Berger

Episode 52 - Beth Lisick, Part 1



Happy 2018 All! This week I took a huge, manic, obsessive dive down the Aziz Ansari/#metoo rabbit hole, and like to think I have takes that haven't yet been took. But after writing about 18 (single space) pages of notes and compiling dozens of articles and audio and video (google Samantha Bee and Aziz for one of the most recent, and best, responses), when I went to record ... well, I'm just not skilled enough yet to say what I need to say as concisely as would make me feel comfortable to share with the world. My first two tries at recording the intro ran over half an hour, longer than the actual conversation with Beth, which is just not what this here show is about.That personal failure out of the way, I think my guest Beth Lisick is super swell and the episode is more than just fine. But before I get to Beth, I would like to share with you, though, the best writing I've read this week on the Aziz stuff, by Katie Anthony. Discovering KA's work (http://www.katykatikate.com) has been worth all of the reading an