15 Minutes: A Podcast About Fame, With Jamie Berger

Episode 54 - Beth Lisick, Part 2



Here's part two of my conversation with writer/performer, old San Francisco friend Beth Lisick. (And here's Part One)Before the conversation, I read a shortened version of an essay of mine called "Peep Show", that Beth was instrumental in getting me to write, a pretty long time ago., when she asked me to perform at her (And Arine Klatt's) legendary San Francisco storytelling series, Porch Light. If you want more of a bio of Beth, go take a look at Episode 52, where you can find the first half of our conversation. Among the topics we dive into here are: Moving to New York City in one's 40s, writing/writer career stuff and how we define success therein, "Punk-Rock Damage," asserting/enjoying one's own successes, making sure you get to do your own own audio book if you have the chance and want to!, working with a writing partner, avoiding becoming a “brand,” connecting with strangers in Trump Year One, #metoo and Louis and Harvey and fame and sex and power and whether it’s time