Yogi Misfit Sessions

 84 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife | Feat. Gianna Purcell



Welcome to another collaboration episode with Fierce Calm. This week Gianna stops by to share her story of finding yoga. Hearing stories like Gianna, is one of the reasons why I love doing this podcast. Creating space for others to come and share their incredible stories. Like Gianna's story, Nicole and Robyn also stop by to share their stories of how #yogasavedmylife. Check out what Gianna is sharing today: Coming to yoga from working in a salon, Gianna shares her how she started to discover her personal self during the beginning of her asana practice. The stories from her personal life and self-discovery are something a lot of us can relate and connect to. But also how yoga had given her an open space to experience more life. As Gianna puts in her own words, pain is pain, it registers different for everyone and it becomes the focus at the current time. Using her practice of asana as a way of recovery from a motorcycle accident and helping others discover that recovery through asana is possibl