Arcade Repair Tips Weekly

Question Of The Week - Episode 60



Welcome to the Arcade Repair Tips Question Of The Week. This week, we answer a question from Mark who is experiencing some arcing issues with one of the Sharp monitors in his Nintendo Red Tent cabinet. Enjoy!Question: Hello, I have been watching your videos on YouTube and I'm a big fan of all your work. I have a question about a Sharp 1801n monitor I have from a VS dual red tent system. The system came with one working monitor and one dead monitor. I recapped both monitors and replaced the flyback on the nonworking one as the flyback was cracked and leaking. I tested the HOT and it seems to be working fine but when I hooked everything back up to test the neck board started arcing on the upper portion. I reflowed the solder but it only got worse. What would you recommend I do from here? I was considering desoldering and resoldering all of the neck board joints just in case my reflow work may have not flushed all the joints completely but beyond that I'm at a loss and if it's any of the pieces on the neck board