Arcade Repair Tips Weekly

Question Of The Week - Episode 64



Welcome to the Arcade Repair Tips Question Of The Week. This week, we answer a question from Anthony who is getting a lot of the color red on his Call Of The Wild arcade monitor. Enjoy!Question: Guys, I have looked through your information on your website relating to monitor issues and fixes but I'm striking out. The monitor on this game is very red and washed out with colors. I am unable to find how to adjust the colors or figure out what is causing the issue. It doesn't seem to have any RGB adjustment pots anywhere or I am unable to find them. Can you help or point me in the right direction? I'm fairly proficient with my soldering skills so I'm not afraid of that or using a meter, so please get me any insight you can so I can get this fixed. I believe it's a Wells Gardner CRT. Thanks! Attached is a picture of what the monitor looks like. I know it's not a great picture, but it should give you an idea of what's going on.