

Welcome to Season 2 of Natalie Sisson's Quest for Freedom! I'm delighted to be back and I know you've been missing least 2 people have asked me "Natalie when is your next podcast episode coming out". So thank you to the two of you, I appreciate it. Obviously to talk about a business sabbatical and how you can truly have a profitable business that can technically run without you, you need to experience that in full glory for yourself. Luckily this podcast is about making me the guinea pig of my own experiments in order for us to uncover what true freedom really is. Since the 1st of April I've been on a business sabbatical and in this episode I reveal all. Well almost all, I'll tell you the rest when I'm finished my break from my business. But here's what I will share: What a business sabbatical actually is (and why you get to define this for yourself) Behind the scenes of what really happens when you take time out from your business Then I went on to answer some great questions from a fan on my Faceb