Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Keeping Your Joy



How to Keep Keeping Your Joy Learn to keep your joy and not let others opinions ruin it ... Don't seek the approval of others or outside sources for your joy and well being With so many opinions and circumstances surrounding us, it's easy to let it affect us The opinions of others - including media - can cause anger, contention and frustration You can take from other's opinions, but don't let them consume you or steal your joy Opinions are like... You know the saying... But you don't have to buy into every one Try to figure out why an opinion frustrates you and look into it further from the heart No opinion is absolute, right or wrong, good or bad or the only piece of the story Anything that comes in and tries to steal your joy can be transmuted and rationalized Try to meditate a minute when you have incoming opinions, perceptions & perspectives There might be a tiny bit of merit to what you're hearing that you can learn from Go within and focus on it from your higher self to see it in a different light wit