Modern Living With Dr. Angela

This Wonderful Thing Called Life with James Grace



Join me as I talk with author James Grace.  When asked, "Who is James Grace? What makes you, you?" He replied... Born in Saskatchewan, I moved to northern Alberta at a young age where I met most of my really close friends who, to this day, still love and support me even when we don’t get a chance to speak for extended periods. I graduated and went to work in the oil sands right out of high school, earning great money and living the life I thought I was supposed to live. I met Rita when I was twenty-two and fell instantly in love. We married and started having kids, Jacob, Ryan, and Jimmy, who, along with my wife, began teaching me invaluable lessons—some hard, some easy, all necessary. Right around my forty- third birthday, as was always intended, I began to hear the lessons that were being offered, and my journey began.