Pure Hope

Teachings of a Modern Day Shaman



Join Rev. Janice Hope Gorman as she shares this episode with Rev. Anne Ganey, a Modern Day Shaman! Anne Ganey is an intuitive coach, consultant and modern day Shaman. She has been doing energy and healing work for over 30 years and graduated from theLLankay, Munay, Yachay School of Shamanic Studies in January  2020.  Anne works with intuition, shamanic practices, energy and spiritual guidance to help a person restore balance and harmony in their life and realize practical solutions. These sessions clear barriers and bring new insights that move people forward.  “I believe each of us is here for a reason. My work is to help you return to balance and harmony so you can bring your gifts to the world.” Anne has also worked in government, health care, higher education and nonprofits. Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Certified Sixth Sensory Professional and Ordained Interfaith Minister. It will be a wonderful show!