Parenting In The Thick Of It With Louise Clarke

461: You Know You Have To Do Something About Your Kid’s Incessant Device Use But You Just Don’t Know What To Do…



I have just finished reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle, and when I finished the chapter titled “Poems”, I just knew that I had to share it on the show. She speaks from her heart and shares with her readers just how she felt about the mistake she had made by giving her son a cell phone at the age he was. She is not alone. Many parents are finding themselves in this situation just wishing they could turn the clock back and do it differently. Is it too late? Never. Is it easy to make the changes you know you need to make and your child needs you to make? No. Is it worth it? Every step of the way. In the episode I share with you Glennon did, what I do and what I recommend all my clients do. Tune in… IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING ME FOR THE NEW GROUP COACHING COHORT THAT WILL START IN JANUARY 2021 PLEASE EMAIL ME HERE: IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SUPPORT, PLEASE JOIN ME IN MY PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP PARENTING IN THE THICK OF IT: G