Rays Latino Talk Podcast

Spilling The Tea…D’Que Latino!



Found In Translation/Bomba Live! crossover is back with Hosts Ray Collazo and Vanessa Maria Graber. Collazo and Graber are "spilling the tea" on the State of Play on the election, the perspective of Latino voters and mobilizing strategies during the final election stretch. Collazo and Graber also call out #LaComai and Rev. Samuel Rodriguez for unacceptable behavior this week. “D’Que Latino!” writer and producer Sulma Arzu-Brown along with cast members Rhina Valentin, Marilyn Camacho and Julia Caras-Linares join us to discuss their cutting edge web series that addresses issues of colorism and other sensitive issues impacting Latina career women. Support D’Que Latino! and make your plan to vote!