Room Tilters

Sarah Morgan: A Room Tilter Challenges the Status Quo.



In this episode, we welcome the University of Richmond alumn Sarah Morgan to the podcast. Sarah tackles some of the most important issues we have been facing this year and unpacks the term "anti-racist". This conversation was honest and challenges the way we look at others in the workplace.  Sarah Morgan has been an HR Executive for 20 years and is also currently the CEO of BuzzARooney LLC. In 2011 she become well known for her blog: The Buzz on HR. “BuzzARooney” is a nickname from her childhood, given to her by her dad. He teased her for always ‘buzzing’ around, listening and observing and touching things out of curiosity and general nosiness. Her blog is still going strong with over 10,000 readers each month, and over 20,000 followers across Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. In 2017, she created the #BlackBlogsMatter challenge to push the conversation surrounding diversity and inclusion in the workplace, which has become a hashtag movement to create more opportunities and exposure to Black