Lisa Berry

Lisa and Will discuss how magical and festive Bangkok can be at Christmas time



New Show - Light On Living Abroad with Lisa, Will Dean: Living, Investing, Retiring Made Easy - Every Monday at 2pm pacific/ 5pm eastern. A spin off of her "Light on Living" radio show... Lisa Berry is now joined by co-hosts Will Roadhouse and Dean Studebaker partners in the #1 real estate consulting company! Learn about international living and travel. Living abroad at a reasonable rate is more doable than ever! Learn how to explore what's possible in living life in a whole new way.Light On Living with Lisa Berry Friday at 9am pacific / 12pm easternLights, microphone, and action!!! Thats right were putting the spotlight on what you need and want to hear about. How to experience life in the happiest and healthiest way QUICKLY. Theres an entire cast of information and techniques running around backstage but you just want to be dazzled by hearing the stars of the show.What script are you following? Are you directing?Light on Living truly lightens the load of lifes challenges by clearing all the extras and bringing you just the winning acts that make the biggest difference. Behind the scene your host, Lisa Berry, spends her days researching, learning, and experimenting with the the leading, top notch topics involving everything healthy." She then casts and brings you only the stars as she puts the spotlight on what she knows will improve your life the fastest.**Whats very different about this show is YOU are always MORE than just the audience. You will get to VOTE on your favourite show every month so Lisa can take it to the next level and bring you an extended version. A class will be created based on the winning show from your votes and you can go deeper to get bigger results.How you perform in life stems from how well your mind and body perform inside. To hear about nutrition, body mechanics, mindset techniques, mood enhancers, wealth and abundance vibrations.More About Lisa - Lisa Berry is an expert in breathing life into the dreams of those wanting to live vibrantly, energetically, happy and fulfilled while standing confidently and strongly rooted in their personal power.Turning up the natural light of hundreds of clients by helping them move through inspiration, motivation, and creation, Lisa fulfills her commitment as a Transformational Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist. As a soul beaming with light and celebrating life with others, Lisa recognizes her mission to find, help and connect with those who need and want to shine. She knows that having clarity of a big dream, dissolving the blocks that stop it from becoming reality and mastering personal creation are the ways to an incredible, happy, confidant and successful life! Enthusiastically and optimistically Lisa begins each conversation by offering a safe place to dream, share, believe and create.