Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Stephen Kruiser and Justin Brecht - Ep 3



Episode 3. Hey everyone, just a quick note. I meant to get this episode out last week, but I encountered audio difficulties and then went to CPAC, so my travel schedule didn’t allow me to publish this episode. Going forward we will continue to publish every Wednesday. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Please forgive the less than stellar audio, but we did the best we could. I wanted to publish this anyway, because it’s a very important episode. So, Thanks for checking out this week’s Behind the Curtain Podcast with Jeff Reynolds. This episode is packed with all kinds of extra content. This week, my first guest is my long time friend, conservative activist and stand up comedian, Stephen Kruiser. He’s written a couple of books, Straight Outta Feelings, and Don’t Let The Hippies Shower. Both are available on Amazon. Stephen and I discuss his religious conundrum, what he’s got coming up in stand up, and how he left conservative activism without regret. This is a MUST LISTEN. If you’re not following Step