Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Gabriella Hoffman and Josiah Underwood - Ep 4



Welcome in to Episode 4 of the Behind the Curtain Podcast with Jeff Reynolds. Once again, this episode is packed with all kinds of extra content. I didn’t necessarily plan it this way, but this week’s episode has a Second Amendment and outdoor conservation theme. My first guest is a conservative millennial, which may seem like a contradiction in terms. Her name is Gabriella Hoffman, and she has a fascinating story to tell. The daughter of refugees from the former Soviet Union, Gabriella is all about the freedoms afforded by the United States of America. A prolific writer, Gabby’s articles have appeared at The Resurgent, Field & Stream, Yahoo! News, and many other outlets. You really also should check out her podcast, the District of Conservation. She and I talk about a conservative message on conservation that can work, the importance of the second amendment, and the evils of socialism. You can follow Gabriella on Twitter at @Gabby_Hoffman. Her website is  Gabriella also rec