Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Kimberly Morin and Jeff Kropf - Ep 5



Welcome in to Episode 5 of the Behind the Curtain Podcast with Jeff Reynolds. Once again, this episode is packed with all kinds of extra content. My first guest is my long time friend, Second Amendment activist, and all around bad ass, Kimberly Morin. Like me, Kimberly went from completely uninvolved in politics in 2008 to becoming a serial activist. Because of this activism, she was targeted by the Left, and decided she needed to protect herself. But she didn’t just buy a gun and lock it away. She’s the founder and board member of the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire. She’s also NRA certified as an instructor in Basic Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection in the Home, Chief Range Safety Officer, and Refuse To Be A Victim. She has taught hundreds of women to safely and accurately shoot. Kimberly has spent thousands of hours researching and writing as an investigative journalist as well as blogger extraordinaire. Basically, I just spin her up and let her rant about the Left’s constant push to remo