Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Public Sector Union abuse and intimidation - with Rebecca Friedrichs and Aaron Withe - Ep 8



 Welcome in to Episode 8 of the Behind the Curtain Podcast with Jeff Reynolds. This week’s episode features two guests who have made national news by standing up to the public sector unions. Both guests dovetail with my book, Behind the Curtain, because they examine the tactics and funding of the extreme left that few people get to see. By taking on the powerful and corrupt public sector unions, they expose themselves to all manners of bullying, abuse, and intimidation. My first guest is Rebecca Friedrichs, a teacher with a 28 year career in California. Rebecca recently published a book about her experiences fighting the California teachers unions that saw her come to the very brink of going down in Supreme Court history before the unfortunate early demise of Justice Antonin Scalia. The book relays Rebecca’s testimony, along with the testimony of over 50 teachers that she interviewed to give a broad look at how teachers unions betray their members. It’s called Standing Up To Goliath: Battling State and N