Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

2020 Democratic hopefuls, corrupt sex education curriculum, and searching for transportation solutions - Kira Davis and John Ley - Ep 13



Welcome in to Lucky Episode Number 13 of the Behind the Curtain podcast. I’m your host, Jeff Reynolds. This week I talk to two very involved activists who focus a lot of their energy on local politics, while maintaining a national perspective. My first guest is mom, activist, writer, and podcaster extraordinaire, Kira Davis. My buddy Kira and I go way back to the early days of the Tea Party, blogging, and surviving the Kruiser Kabana days. She recently earned a position as roving editor of RedState, along with co-hosting the Smart Girls Politics podcast with April Gregory. Kira and I talk about her new position at RedState, the state of conservative media – a favorite topic of mine – and her deep dive into the comprehensive sex education curriculum in California, and her organizing efforts to fight back. We also poke fun at the 2020 field of Democratic presidential hopefuls, just for fun. You can find Kira on Twitter at Also, be sure to follow her on, and subscribe to t