Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Kemberlee Kaye on Oberlin College and intersectionality; Crossover episode with James Ball and Nick Prelosky of the Rational Republican Podcast - Ep 14



This week’s episodes is one of my favorites, featuring two discussions that are fun, informative, and thought provoking. It also features my first ever crossover episode, featuring other podcasters in a joint effort. First though, a note on my recording schedule. With the advent of summer and the kids out of school, I’m finding the demands on my time at an all time high. I will continue to attempt a weekly show schedule, and starting this week, episodes will be released on Thursdays.  SO. This week’s first guest is another blogger friend of mine. We go way back, so we have a lot to talk about. Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection. We discuss the false racism charges that led to an $11 million fine against Oberlin College after a libel lawsuit, the newly formed Legal Insurrection Foundation to combat against the false information propagated by intersectionality and anti-zionist activists, and what President Trump has done to turn her from an enthusiastic opponent in the p