Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

#Oregon11, #TimberUnity, Forced Injections, leadership, and the grassroots army - Sen. Kim Thatcher and Capt. Greg Wooldridge - Ep 15



Hi, my name is Jeff Reynolds, and this is Episode 15 of the Behind the Curtain podcast. This week’s episodes ended up being a double shot of Oregon news, as much of what’s happening in Oregon has actually made national headlines. This week’s first guest is a hero to many Oregonians. A member of the #Oregon11, Senator Kim Thatcher experienced the nuttiest legislative session she’s ever seen in Salem. The story of the Republican walkout made national news as the Senators left the state in response to threats of arrest by Governor Kate Brown. She participated in two Republican walkouts to deny quorum so that no bills could be passed, in an attempt to get the Democrats to stop abusing their power. We talk about the walkouts, how they successfully killed several bad bills, and what to expect in the next legislative session. We also talk about two huge new grassroots movements that were spawned by bad legislation – the Slavic Activation movement to get more Eastern Europeans and Russians involved in the electoral p