Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

136: Breathe. 4 of My Most Simple But Significant Practices to Release Pressure & Create Space



hello dear ones! exhale. really. we can't hold our breath waiting for things to get better. we can't just keep pushing through at this pace of intensity. and we frankly don't have to. there is a way to meet the intensity, be with all the demands coming at you, and with the things that matter to you... but it requires that you need to BREATHE. daily. weekly. monthly and yearly. In and tune into this Feminine Power Time with me Christine Arylo -  we will dive into 4 of the simple but significant practices I do in my daily rhythm, my weekly flow and my yearly flow to release pressure and create space so i can breathe - and get what matters done - even in intense times.  I know they work because I've been using them diligently to get this new book into the world. Tune in. xo Christine  p.s. If you haven't gotten your copy of the new book Overwhelmed and Over It - do! Here's the link www.overwhelmedandoverit.com  pps. If you missed the powerful book unveiling and activation session, you can access it here www.over