Dyan Garris

How to Use the Astrology of 2019 & Beyond to Move Forward



Something feels very different already in 2019. But what is it that makes the energy of 2019 so different? What do you do with it? How do you achieve your highest potential this year? Wednesday, January 16, at 7 PM Eastern, Internationally syndicated astrologer, author, television and internet personality, Nadiya Shah shares with us all about the astrological energy of 2019, and better yet, how to use this knowledge to your benefit in 2019 and beyond. Here we also learn when the best time is for a new launch depending upon what kind of business you're launching, what to do if it doesn't work, when's the best time to lose weight, what to do if you have a difficult natal chart, what the nodes of the moon have to do with you, and so much more.