Hacks & Hobbies

E212 - Justin Nguyen - Founder GetChoGrindUp, co-host of Young and D.U.M.B.



I had the opportunity to speak with Justin, we talked about our motivations as entrepreneurs, and podcast hosts. He shares some very keen and elaborate marketing techniques on how to get your podcast in front of your audience. There’s an abundance of information that I myself can’t wait to implement for this podcast, and help others achieve success. Someone mentioned some where that it is only in the dictionary where Success shows up before Work. So do the work to achieve the success that you’re mean’t to. Justin can be reached via the GetChoGrindUp on Instagram and he’s on LinkedIn posting amazing videos full of wisdom. ——Sponsorship—— This podcast brought to you by our generous sponsors. It is hosted by Anchor and distributed to the many platforms available to you to listen on. If you’re interested in sponsoring this podcast please connect on the networks below. ——Connect Here!—— You can find Hacks & Hobbies on these popular social media networks: Facebook: fb.com/hacksandhobbies LinkedIn: linkedin.com/