Hacks & Hobbies

E218 - Grayson Scott - How to start an indie film a step by step podcast.



In what seems to be like a multi-year plan to get on the podcast Grayson Scott set in motion events that would make this interview possible and even get me to start a podcast talking about Queen Bees.  My very good friend Grayson Scott joins us on the Hacks and Hobbies podcast and talks about how he is making his hobby work for him and how he’ll help other aspiring indie-film makers follow his foot-steps in achieving nirvana. Join Grayson and I as we get back to the basics of what it means to build-up a roster of technology, on film, 3d animation, sound design, music, graphics and beyond. Grayson can be reached at www.lifeofgraysonscott.com Enjoy the episode! ——Sponsorship—— This podcast brought to you by our generous sponsors. It is hosted by Anchor and distributed to the many platforms available to you to listen on. If you’re interested in sponsoring this podcast please connect on the networks below. ——Connect Here!—— You can find Hacks & Hobbies on these popular social media networks: Facebook: fb