He Shoots, He Draws Podcast

Ep.99 Photographer Ian Munro | One Year On



If you’re a regular listener of the podcast you may remember that Glyn recorded an interview with Ian Munro waaaay back…in fact it was back in episode 15Not surprisingly that particular episode ranks as one the most listened to episodes we’ve shared and that’s because well, everyone loves Ian. Yep talented and a damn good story teller, but it’s Ian’s honesty that resonated with so many people.Lots was going on with Ian when we recorded episode 15…he’d just come back from having been flown out to Florida as special guest of KelbyOne  to exhibit his images in the KelbyOne Gallery which aired live on the internet with him also being interviewed infront of a large audience.Ian talks about this and how things didn’t pan out as he thought following all this publicity HOWEVER what he talks about shows that everything happens for a reason because A LOT has changed for Ian in the past year or but 100% for the better because now, and you’ll totally hear this in his voice, he’s way happier with what he’s doing especiall