He Shoots, He Draws Podcast

Ep.100 The 100th Episode Special - Dave & Glyn Celebrate



We reached our 100th episode! We started back in Feb 2018 with the intention to just make episodes as we go. We were surprised by the reception we got and the stats that followed. 165,000 downloads across 145 countries in that time and over 100 five star reviews on iTunes has blown us away. THANK YOU! In this episode we have a chat about our experiences over the 100 episodes, personal and professional. We'll be back for more in 2020!We'd like to thank the following people and companies for their influence and support over those 100 episodes. Firstly, all of our wonderful guests, we appreciate you've given up your time for us. Next are our friends at KelbyOne, Glyn and I would maybe have never crossed paths without our relationship with Scott and the KelbyOne family, past and present. Then there's our amazing show partners over this time. Paul Genge, Westcott Lighting, The Photography Show, Colour Confidence + X-Rite, Phlearn and Rocky Nook. Thank you all and we look forward to welcoming some back in 2020. Tha