He Shoots, He Draws Podcast

Ep.134 Mr Russell Preston Brown - Mobile Photography & Experimenting!



What can I say about this week's guest that you don't already know! We are joined by the powerhouse of creativity that is Mr Russell Preston Brown - Adobe Royalty, legend, myth, inventor and more. It was a pleasure to have Russell as our guest and we spoke a lot about mobile photography, shooting personal projects with a mobile phone, strobes and some experimentation. Russell is a creative leader when it comes to pushing the boundaries of photography and the Adobe apps. Please join us - WARNING - some of our interview is visual so I have added the video of this interview to YouTube, link in the show notes.YouTube visual highlights HERERussell's Website + InterviewsAdobe Max - Register FREERussell on InstagramRICOH Theta Z1Joe McNally PortfolioJoe McNally Blog