Textually Active Podcast

Episode 55 | Back to Podin



We're back off of a two-week hiatus! Catch up on the last 2-weeks of the crew's life, What's new with Meezy? What shows did Rezz watch? What has Nick been cooking? Tune in to find out on this week's episode. While you're listening to this episode make sure you use our hashtag #TextualTuesday! Talk to us, we talk back. WMEZ's Baby Maker of the week- "Alone Tonight " by Taylor Belle. IG @Textuallyactivepod @_Rezz @Meezyblvd Twitter @textuallyactpod @GetYouARezz @GrillieBeaman @Meezyblvd Remember to send your listener letters to textuallyactivepod@gmail.com __________________ WMEZ PLAYLIST: Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/textually-active-presents-wmezs-baby-maker-playlist/pl.u-RRbVo12sxqbr4B Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/1254604806/playlist/2Z4ID9q9Sz0Maegewih9LG?si=lrmdplZaSH65UmPkgXu7Rw Tidal: https://tidal.com/playlist/08088e48-a086-4307-b215-495f19e095b2