Peggy Willms

Coffee Time ~ Need to be admitted to Wellness Rehab?



We ALL, believe it or not, are addicted to something or several things whether it is gambling, sex, drugs or rock-n-roll. For most of us when we think of anyone reducing or ridding an addiction, we think, "Ah send him off to Rehab." What do you do if you have "wellness" addictions: food, stress, resistance to exercise, unhealthy relationships, struggling with irratic emotions? Weight Loss Boot Camps and Retreats, though fantastic reboots, will never detox all your unhealthy wellness addictions allowing you to bounce back into the Real World a brand new person with long-term success. Wellness Rehab anyone? This topic is sure to stir thoughts and opinions. Join us! Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.