Peggy Willms

Coffee Time ~ Taming Your Anxious Mouse with Guest Linda Kneidinger



That voice in your head that keeps you from being as great as you know you can be? It cuts you down for dreaming, encourages you to stay in your comfort zone, and ensures you dont get overconfident. This is Anxious Mouse. Every one of us has an Anxious Mouse chirping in our mind. In todays episode, Lindawill help you understand why Anxious Mouse is always so negative and how you can effectively work with him so he will step out of the way and let you achieve your goals. ...... Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.