Peggy Willms

Coffee Time ~ Part 1 of 2: Friendship: Conditional or Unconditional Love with 3 of Coach Peggy's Best Friends



Friendships - we have all have them. Are yours healthy? How do you know? Are they based on conditional or unconditional love? Do you truly, deeply care about your friends' well-being, their success and still love them when they hurt your feelings by telling you what you need to hear not what you want to hear? You have surely heard, "You are blessed if when you are old and gray, you have three close friends in your life." Today is a really special show. Three of Coach Peggy's closest friends (58 years of combined friendship) stop by to share their very personal stories about the foundation of their relationships, their favorite memories and why their friendships are based on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE not one with all sorts of conditional stipulations. Do NOT miss this episode! Part 2: 12/2/2019 ----------------- Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit cha