Friends Of A Feather

Ep. 28: Melanie Redd: Adventure Awaits!



  Welcome to the Friends of a Feather Podcast!!!   I'm Wren and I'm so glad you are here!  Each week, I get to chat with a friend who has a story to tell, a passion to share, or a dream that she is pursuing.   This week, my guest is Melanie Redd.  Melanie is a wife, mom to two college-age kids, blogger, writer, speaker, social media consultant and a whole lot more!!  On this episode, Melanie and I chat about a lot!!  We chat about how we met, how it is hard to not promote ourselves or our businesses in the social media world we live in, and how God has guided her life-walk and ministry one step at a time and how its been and continues to be a fun adventure!!! What I love about Melanie is how encouraging she is and how she points women to the word of God.  She gives such great practical advice to young moms who have ministry in their hearts and for women no matter what stage of life you are in right now!  You will be encouraged and will want to grab a pen to write down the quotable wisdom she gives!!!   We ar