Friends Of A Feather

Ep. 38: Holly Mackle: Same Here, Sisterfriend



  Happy Friday, friends!!  NEW episode!   My guest for today's episode is my friend, Holly Mackle.  Holly is wife to David, momma to two little bitties, a writer, blogger, editor, curator, and gardener!  Holly is a busy momma, but she still found time to chat with me this week!  And, I'm so glad she did!    We talk about how God's plans for her to be a writer were better than her plans, how finding those sister friends as a adult are hard but so worth it, and the moment she knew she was to curate the book, Same Here Sisterfriend.   What I love about Holly is her wisdom, her humor, her love for God, and her peppy attitude about every single thing.  You will love Holly and will feel she is one of your sister friends!   SHOW NOTES:  Connect with Holly: Holly Mackle Holly on FB  Holly on Instagram Go check Holly out as editor of Engaging Motherhood She blogs about her itty bitties and gardening at: Digging Suburbia And, don't forget to check out Holly's guest posts at Joe Gardener Holly's books: Little Hearts, P