Friends Of A Feather

Ep. 54: Megan Benson: Your Story Can Be Bigger



   Today on the podcast is Megan Benson with Sheep Farm Felt.  Megan and I met over Skype this past week but I felt like I already knew her and her adorable sheep from following her on Instagram!!   We talk about how Megan began her company, the best advice her dad gave her, and how she makes the felt balls!  We also chat a little about Megan's family story of her parents as makers, losing everything in a fire when she was only four years old, and what her parents did for their community as a thank you for their help in the rebuilding of their home. We chat about when Megan found out her oldest daughter was diagnosed with Autism Five, also called Asperger's syndrome.  Megan gives great advice for moms who are walking that journey.  I love how Megan speaks about community and connections in our conversation. It's a great, meaningful episode and I would love for you to listen and share with a friend! SHOW NOTES: To Connect with Megan on Instagram Find Megan's felt ball garlands at her web site: Sheep Farm Felt