Friends Of A Feather

ep. 72: Michele Dyer: All Things Enneagram



Hey friends I am Wren and I want to welcome you to the Friends of a Feather Podcast!  A podcast in which you will walk away encouraged by hearing God stories from my friends that I share! Every time you download an episode, I want you to feel seen by God, to feel encouraged in your daily life, and be spurred on to honor Him with the gifts and talents He has given you.  If this is the first time you’ve tuned in or if you’ve been joining in for a while, you are welcome here, friend! So many new things happening here at the podcast that I’m so thrilled about! One of which is that We launched my new web site,!  I really wanted to have a landing spot where I could share more content with you guys: I would love for you to go check the web site out, go ahead and sign up for the Friends of a Feather mailing list so you can start getting emails that encourage, and give you resources I have used and love, and perhaps a discount code here and there from my favorite companies! As a thank you for you for