Friends Of A Feather

ep. 107: Rainer Lowman A Safe Place to Land



Today's episode is with my friend, Rainer Lowman.  Rainer and I went to high school together, but we haven't seen each other in years.  We recently reconnected on social media and it's been the sweetest thing.  Rainer loves Jesus, is a pilot’s wife, a mom of 5, a champion of adoption, an advocate for special needs parenting, a non profit ministry founder, an expert at charcuterie and loves feeding her family!   Be refreshed as Rainer shares her story of grace, prayer, following God's leading in the hard, and the joy that comes from it.   Hear the surprising way she knew she was called to adopt when she was a middle schooler and a lunch, years later that changed the trajectory of what her family would look like.  I love Rainer and you will too!  Find all the Show Notes at: or Sign up for my mailing list and you can get the Show Notes in your inbox every Tuesday I would love to connect with you on social media! FRIENDS OF A FEATHER FB COMMUNITY: