Friends Of A Feather

ep. 109: Leslie Hollowell: Made to Mentor



Today's episode is with my 'in real life' friend, Leslie Hollowell. You may remember Leslie from Episode 6, right after I had just started the podcast!  On that episode, she shared part of her story of journeying through embryo adoption. Leslie has a unique story in that before she was married, God called her out as a school teacher into full time ministry with teen girls.  She has a heart for discipleship, mentoring, teaching, and encouraging young women to follow after God with all their hearts.   Today we will be chatting about what mentoring looks like when you have young children and that it doesn't have to be overwhelming.   I am thrilled to be able to share the conversation that Leslie and I were able to have one morning sitting at my kitchen table.  I literally had NO NOTES and let the Lord lead our words.  After listening, you will feel refreshed, encouraged, and ready to GO and walk in what God has called you to do!  That is our prayer. ------------------------------  Find all the Show Notes at: www