Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee

Better Faster ILT Design for Everyone With Brian Washburn



You want to get into designing better instructor-led training events, yes? You have the drive and the need, but you're just missing one key ingredient to making it happen - the time... So, you sigh at the clock and go back to your old friend PowerPoint to get in some basic bullet points and clip art into your presentation. Oh c'mon, we've all been there.This week on IDIODC, show hosts Brent and Chris are talking with expert ILT designer, Brian Washburn. He's had many many years of experience designing and delivering ILT sessions in many different environments. Over those years, he has collected a substantial library of outlines, frameworks, activities, slide designs, workbook/handout templates, and more. Brian is here to share the secrets of cutting your design time in half... or more while also keeping the content engaging for learners!Brian Washburn is the co-founder and CEO of Endurance Learning, a boutique instructional design firm that creates instructor-led and elearning courses with the vision that eve