Nonprofit Jenni Show

FAQs About Nonprofit PR



If you haven’t listened to the Nonprofit Jenni Show episode about “Nonprofit PR: How to Work With Media to Attract New Supporters”, we recommend you listen to that episode first! This week, we’re following up on some extra FAQs about nonprofit Public Relations (PR). We also chat with two nonprofit leaders who are responsible for their nonprofit organizations’ PR initiatives. Nonprofit Jenni Show listeners can get an exclusive discount on Jenni’s “Build a PR Plan” Mini-Course! Go online to and use discount code “PR10” to get 10% off the mini-course. The mini-course includes:--A manageable half-hour webinar about how to build your PR plan--A worksheet to start building your PR plan as you watch the webinar--BONUS GIFT: A free copy of Jenni’s PR Contact Log Template to help you learn to research and track communications with media partners Our podcast guests this week are:--Meredith Schweitzer from the School for Advanced Research--Staci Davis and Alli Beth from Waves Nonprofit Jenni provides