Alpha Exchange

Glenn Stevens, Former Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia



On this episode of the Alpha Exchange, it was my distinct privilege to be joined by Glenn Stevens who resided over the Reserve Bank of Australia as Governor from 2006 to 2016. Considered one of the most gifted Central Bankers of our time, Glenn successfully navigated Australia’s economy through the crisis without a recession. A 36 year career at the RBA has imparted him with an appreciation for the inherent challenges in economic forecasting and in this context, we touch on Glenn's decision to tighten in early 2008 as inflation in Australia rose, only to sharply reverse course a few months later as the Global Financial Crisis began. Our conversation is a retrospective on the fast moving, unnerving time that was the GFC, a period that demanded and benefited from policymaker coordination. In Glenn’s view, the interconnected nature of markets and the economy during the crisis also forced Central Banks to view asset prices in a more endogenous light, assigning more weight to the impact of financial conditions on