Zen Money Monday

013 Eileen Reed - JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out



00:48 – Introducing today’s guest, Eileen Reed 01:50 – Eileen’s business background 02:42 – An affinity for sales 03:40 – The biggest hurdle Eileen has encountered when starting as an entrepreneur 05:26 – Eileen’s current business, Simplify with Eileen 07:22 – The eclectic mix of clients Eileen encounters 12:58 – Advice Eileen would give to those trying to remove clutter from their lives 14:52 – The habits that Eileen has noticed among her clients 19:40 – The value of donating and recycling 21:07 – The challenges of moving from corporate life to entrepreneurial life 23:04 – What Zen Money means to Eileen 25:16 – Eileen speaks to the benefits of the entrepreneurial lifestyle 28:54 – Where listeners can connect with Eileen 29:18 – Eileen’s upcoming event, Simplify Business Sound Bites: • “I always looked at it [sales] as an opportunity to connect with people and to try and solve problems.” (03:10) • “What I’ve learned over the ten years I’ve been in business is that it’s not about organizing, really. It’s reall