Healing Through Hurt I-talk Radio

Titanium Tidbit for Friday 10/16/20 (Your Ripple Effects)



Your Friday Titanium Tidbit 10/16/20 YOUR RIPPLE EFFECT!  Today's chat is to remind you that what you say and or do today will have a positive or negative effect down the road. My message is 6 minutes and 49 seconds; take this time to be still and listen.  I am C. Maria Wall, J.D. Unapologetically For F.O.C.U.S Females Offering Clarity Unity and Success ® Podcast & Programs  https://www.facebook.com/thewallfoundationinc.org http://thewallfoundationinc.org/  https://www.blogtalkradio.com/healing-through-hurt #motivation #inspiration #selfcare #selflove #selfhelp #womeninspiringwomen #relationships #datingadvice #love #cmariawall #relationshipadvice